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Orbit Spaces – Terms & Conditions

Everything you need to know about your booking with us:

Definitions Us or We: Where you see ‘us’ or ‘We’ it refers to Orbit Investments (Properties) Limited or another member of the holding company The Emerson Group.

You: means any person, persons or representative of the organisation named in a Meeting Room booking invoiced by Us

Payment: This is any of our Payment methods specified in Paragraph 2

Account: The customer online account with us required to book, cancel and view Meeting Room bookings

“Meeting Room(s)” means furnished office space for you to use on a temporary basis for conferences or meetings or other similar commercial purposes;

Confirmed: Where the booking has been confirmed and Payment has been taken

Team: A setting applied to a group of your companies profiles that allows you to use merged billing for all the accounts that sign up to our platform from your company.

Our terms and conditions

1.0 Making a booking

All bookings of Meeting Rooms are only Confirmed once Payment has been received. If booking online you will have a maximum 30 minutes to hold the room before Payment is required, failure to make Payment within this time will lead to the booking being released. If we book the room on your behalf you’ll be directed to make a Payment via your Account, once the Payment has been made via debit or credit card the booking will be Confirmed. Where Payment isn’t made the booking will be cancelled.

If any attendee has any additional needs or mobility requirements, please contact us via enquiries@orbitspaces.co.uk ahead of your booking or, tick the box on the booking page to indicate any such needs or requirements. Although we will endeavour to meet any reasonable requests, we regret that we cannot promise that any request will be met unless we have specifically confirmed this in writing. 

Confirmation that a special request has been noted or the inclusion of your request on the Confirmation or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unless and until specifically agreed by us, all special requests are subject to availability.

2.0 Payment

All of our Confirmed bookings require full Payment via debit/credit card before they’re Confirmed – you’ll then receive a confirmation of booking via email. Any bookings via debit or credit card may be subject to the banking providers ‘Secure Customer Authentication’ which will need to be authorised before final Payment is taken. You will also receive a copy of the invoice associated with the booking.

3.0 Legislation

You shall obtain all licences and consents which are required under any applicable legislation (primary and subordinate), rules, regulations or orders of applicable authorities to use the Meeting Room or carry out any other activity in the Meeting Room.

You shall not do or omit to do anything in the Meeting Room which would result in us incurring any cost penalty or liability under any applicable legislation (primary and subordinate), rules, regulations or orders of applicable authorities.

4.0 Catering

We offer catering as a reservable add-on to your booking at some of our locations, if you have selected this you will be contacted by the relevant Café situated in the location you have booked the Meeting Room. If you bring in your own catering for your meeting Meeting Room booking you’ll need to ensure that all applicable licensing and food preparation, hygiene & safety laws are complied with. In particular (but without limitation) you must ensure that no sales of alcohol are made on the premises. By agreeing to these terms you indemnify us against any related claims and losses.

5.0 Cancellation

If you’d like to change the date or time of your booking we’ll do everything we can to help you with this, you have up to 48 hours before the booking date to make changes without any penalties. After this time you can still cancel the booking but a 100% cancellation fee will apply. To cancel your booking you can do this in two ways, you can contact us directly on 01625 588200, or via regenthouse-enquiries@emerson.co.uk Monday – Friday 9am to 5:30pm or you can access your Account online and cancel the booking there, bookings are not considered cancelled until a confirmation email has been received.

If you’d like to amend your booking we can do this up to 48 hours before your original booking time & date, if amending the booking results in a higher amount being owed you will need to pay this amount to secure the booking. If the new amount is less than the original amount paid on the original booking a credit note will be issued for the difference.

6.0 How we’ll communicate with you

We’ll confirm any bookings via the email provided and we may call you on the number provided to confirm booking details or booking updates.

7.0 Promotional codes and discounts

If by prior arrangement or special offer, you receive a discount or promotional code then you must enter this prior to completion of your booking. Any promotion or discounts cannot be applied retrospectively once a booking is Confirmed. We also have the right to remove a discount code from your booking if it’s been used incorrectly.

By proceeding, you confirm you have read and understood these terms.

8.0 Your Account

To create, view or amend a booking you must create an Account with us. Access to this Account should only be via the Account owner and no access details should be shared with others. If you would like our help to make a booking we’ll need to create an Account with us before any bookings can be made.

8.1 Team Accounts

Either before or after your Account is created, you can contact us to set up a Team within our system. This offers the option to allow merged billing for members of the Team. This sort of feature is ideal for a company that wants to have all of their employees bookings billed to one Card or Company Card. The administration of the Team accounts upon their creation is to be carried out by Team administrators nominated by you as a company. All administrative issues that may arise from administration of these Team accounts rest with you as a company and we will not accept responsibility for any administrative issues that arise during the administration of these Team accounts. We are only able to provide technical guidance on the act of administrating the accounts, if you require this form of assistance please contact us through the contact form on the website or call 01625 588200.

9.0 How we’ll use your data

As per The Emerson Groups privacy policy, which can be found at Emerson Group Privacy Policy. We may use your details in accordance with this policy. Emerson, nor its third-party booking provider Nexudus will sell your details to any third party. If you’d like to discuss this policy or would choose to opt out of marketing please contact us at privacy@emerson.co.uk and we’ll be happy to help.

10.0 Damages

10.1 You are responsible for the Meeting Room for the duration of your Booking. Any damage to the Meeting Room or its contents or the Equipment (or any other part of the Premises) incurred as a result of you or your invitees (or representatives of either) behaviour or negligence will result in a charge based on: a) the cost of the repair; and b) the value to us of any subsequent loss of business or trade or other commercial activity suffered by us.

10.2 If you do not vacate the Meeting Room by the agreed time we reserve the right to make additional charges for the Booking based on:- a) the prices set out in our fee list in force at the date of the Booking made by you; and b) any payments made or subsequent loss of business incurred by us in respect of other persons who had booked the Meeting Room to the extent that we are unable to honour their bookings.

10.3 You shall ensure that nothing is fixed to the floors, walls, ceilings or any other interior or exterior of the Meeting Room by means of nails, screws, drawing pins, blue tack, glue or any other means unless agreed in writing with the our on-site management team prior to the hire period.

10.4 For payments due pursuant to clause 10.2(a) and 10.2(b), you authorise us to use any Payment method details supplied by you when making the booking, such use to be without your participation, which payment be taken automatically for the additional charges due.

11.0 Limitation of liability

11.1 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall limit or exclude liability for: a) death or personal injury caused by negligence, or the negligence of any of our or your employees, agents or subcontractors; o b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

11.2 Subject to paragraph 11.1 we shall not be liable to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions for : a) loss of profits; b) loss or damage to goodwill; and c) any indirect or consequential loss.

11.3 This paragraph 11 shall survive termination of the arrangements governed by these Terms and Conditions.

12.0 Other Points

12.1 We operate a no-smoking policy throughout our properties (include the Meeting Rooms).

12.2 Permission is required for all photographs, filming and video-recording within our premises.

12.3 You shall not sub-let the Meeting Rooms.

12.4 An additional discretionary fee of £50 will be charged to you if the Meeting Room is not left in the same state as at the commencement of period you hired the Meeting Room or is deemed, by us, to be in an unfit state for the next booking.

12.5 You shall ensure that the event for which the Meeting Room is used is conducted in an orderly fashion without causing a nuisance and in full compliance with the directives and requirements of our on-site management team and with all applicable laws ordinances and regulations.

12.6 we reserve the right, as it considers reasonable, to exclude or eject, any persons from the Meeting Room or the building of which it forms part whom we shall consider objectionable (including any engaged by you) and you will be liable for any liability arising thereby save where you establish negligence or bad faith on our part.

13.0 Insurance of property of Hirer and Hirers guests

You acknowledge that any such objects, equipment, furniture, stock, or other property of any sort will remain under your control and care and/ or your guests and you are responsible for insuring such property and accordingly the USSP excludes liability for losses.

14.0 Force Majeure

We shall not be liable for any breach of these Terms and Conditions or any losses resulting therefrom caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, fire, lightning, flood or extremely severe weather, explosion, war, terrorism, disorder, industrial disputes (whether or not involving our employees) network failures, or acts of local or central Government or other competent authorities.

15.0 Governing law and jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with English law and any disputes (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.